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"Mobility is quality of life."

Ron Onstenk

My name is Ron Onstenk and I work as an orthopedic surgeon at Flexclinics.

I have been a registered orthopaedic surgeon since 2000. After my traumatology fellowship in Australia, I started at the Groene Hart Hospital Gouda in 2004, specializing in the upper extremity for the last 10 years, gaining extensive expertise in shoulder, elbow and wrist pathology including all treatments in that area.

Surgical treatment is often preceded by an intensive conservative course in combination with physical therapy, and only when surgery is really necessary, is this done. The post-treatment to achieve the best possible recovery is also often intensive.
In addition to my work as an orthopedic surgeon, I am a board member of the Groene Hart shoulder network and a member of the shoulder and wrist working group within the Dutch Orthopaedic Association(NOV).

Since 2023, I have now also started working within Flexclinics. Flexclinics is an Independent Treatment Center (ZBC), collaborating with a number of major hospitals with the aim of reducing waiting lists. I have great faith in such innovative partnerships, which I am happy to participate in, as they lead to a better patient experience.

Orthopedic surgeons

Joris van der Lugt
Joris van der Lugt
Pieter Klitsie
Pieter Klitsie
Jantine Posthuma de Boer
Jantine Posthuma de Boer
Dorien Geertsema
Dorien Geertsema

Plastic surgeons

Xander Bakker


Peter van Aggelen
Peter van Aggelen
Elisabeth Dierickx