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Come to our Expert Event on June 18 at Piazza Sports

Registration is free of charge and offered to you by Flexclinics, Physiomoov and the MRI center

That feels better

Expert event

Find out all about Sports Injuries at our Expert Session on June 18 in Houten.

During this evening you will learn all about Sports Injuries: what exactly is an injury, how do you deal with it and what are the different treatment options?

Logo MRI center
Logo Physio Moove

Learn more about sports injury pain at our Expert Session on June 18 in Houten.

During this evening we will provide a lot of information about the consequences of sports injuries. How do you deal with them and what are the different treatment options?


7:30 - 8 p.m. Walk-in with coffee or tea

8 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. opening

8:15 - 8:45 p.m. Presentations from Flexclinics by Dorien hand/wrist; Dorien knee and John shoulder

8:45 - 8:55 p.m. questions and answers

8:55 - 9:05 p.m. short break

21:05 - 21:20 Presentation Louise from Fysiomoov on the physical therapy/rehabilitation process for these types of complaints 

9:20 - 9:30 p.m. questions and answers

Afterwards, while enjoying a snack and a drink, there will be an opportunity for further questions and perhaps making an appointment for a personal consultation.  

The education is free of charge. Want to attend an evening? Sign up using the form below.

We welcome you. Feel free to bring someone from your area, but please sign them up separately because of the catering.

Expert session